Ways to Monetise a Website

Whether you run a blog, a business or personal website, you may well be asking the question of how exactly you can make money from it. After all, you have seen many people do the same thing and you want to get a slice of the action. Before you can do this however, you need to know about the different strategies which you can use to monetise your site. And this is what we will be helping you out with in this blog post.

If you are in the process of building a site, it is worth checking out a breakdown of the website building cost. You will obviously be aiming to make this cash back again through one or a number of the money-making strategies which we are about to discuss here.

Email Marketing

When people visit your website, you should be aiming to get their email addresses so that you can get in contact with them in the future. There are a couple of ways in which you can make money from this approach. Direct email promotions is one, while you could also be using this as a strategy to drive people back to your website once again where other money-making methods will be. On the plus side, this is a very direct way to market which anyone can take advantage of. However, it also has the natural drawback of the fact that if people don’t like what you are sending them, they are likely to unsubscribe from the mailing list.

Affiliate Product Promotion

Essentially, affiliate product promotion refers to the practice of promoting goods and services on your site and getting a percentage of the sale back again. Ultimately, you should be looking to target the companies which are a natural fit for your business. This works best if the products that you are promoting are highly targeted to the content that you are creating. The natural advantage of this approach is that you are generating a passive income, but earnings are not guaranteed and you can end up earning different amounts on a month by month basis.

Sell Your Own Digital Products

If you think that you have something useful to say or a skill or digital product which people are willing to pay for, you could sell this through your website. There has been a big trend for creating ebooks in recent years, and the same goes for webinars and other similar mediums. Ultimately, you need to have a big audience before you can take this approach, but it can be a big money earner if you get it right.

Offer Advertising Space

And now we come to the most common of ways that you can make money from a website; selling advertising space through it. While it is very easy to put ads on your site, the natural downside is that people know what these look like and actively avoid clicking on them where possible. Ultimately, you have two main choices when it comes to selling advertising. The first is for you to find and work with the advertisers yourself, while the second is finding a ‘middle man’ who will take a cut for finding advertisers. This kind of method doesn’t take too much effort and allows you to monetise your site easily, but it could end up taking away from the overall user experience.

Offer Site Membership or Premium Content

Again, this is a method which relies upon you having a dedicated enough following who are willing to pay for membership of your site or access some of the premium content which you have on offer. Once you have this part of your website established, your next hurdle is to market it effectively so that you actually start to make money from it. Of course, you need to also put in the regular work to ensure that people are satisfied that they are getting their money’s worth.

These are just some of the most popular methods involved when people are trying to monetise a website. Essentially, everything comes back to the type of site you are running and the audience you are attracting. These factors will determine how many of these methods are going to be effective and which will generate the most cash for you. Regardless, you are going to need to work hard to generate a decent following and stand out from all the other sites out there doing similar things to you.
