Ten Times You Need a Lawyer

We live in a society where we’re increasingly doing everything by ourselves. We are building our own furniture thanks to IKEA, we are fixing our own boilers when the plumbing seems off and we are making sure that our children will grow up as well-rounded as possible when they have two full time working parents.

However, as much as we want to be DIYers, we have to accept that sometimes we need some help. Part of knowing everything we can do by ourselves is also knowing what we can’t do by ourselves and there are some times in life where you may need some legal advice or a lawyer. For example, if a loved one has passed away at a hospital as a result of negligence, then a wrongful death lawsuit might be able to help you with the case. If you end up in court because you unknowingly trafficked drugs that somebody snuck into your bag, then you’re definitely going to need a lawyer. There are some specific times in life that legal advice is going to be invaluable, and we’ve listed those for you below.

  1. When you’ve been arrested. Ideally, this isn’t something that’s going to be a regular occurrence in your life, and you can probably recite your 6th Amendment rights from the Miranda warning you hear and all the cop shows. And yet some people still don’t understand that they are allowed to have an attorney with them when they are facing criminal charges. An experienced criminal defense attorney from the very beginning of a case can help you to have a case that is favorable to a judge. Criminal charges are no joke, so if you’ve been arrested then you need a lawyer to help.
  2. When you’re getting divorced. Just because you married somebody reasonable and wonderful doesn’t mean that by the time you divorce them, they are still reasonable and wonderful. Even the best divorces can be complicated, both emotionally and legally. And if you and your ex have been married for a long time, or you have shared children, or you own real estate, then you’re going to need somebody to advocate for you. Emotions always get in the way when it comes to divorce, and it doesn’t have to be.If you are working the steps properly.
  3. You’ve been in a car accident. Really, this can apply to any accident, but a car accident is important to have a lawyer by your side afterwards. Calling your insurance company after a Fender Bender is one thing, but if you’ve been injured in a car accident, there are going to be more serious things to figure out. You need to know whether or not an insurance company can negotiate their settlement or deny your injury claim, and having a lawyer with you will help.
  4. You’re being sued. Most people will never see somebody or be sued in a court, but for those unfortunate few, learning about litigation and appeals is a losing strategy. There are so many legal rules that complicate being sued regarding filing and evidence, and that’s before you even get to the legal theory of proving your case.If you are thinking about suing somebody or someone is suing you. You’ll need to talk to an attorney first.

You are starting a business. You have an amazing idea, you’ve got an amazing strategy, and you’ve got the finances behind it. But do you understand it in corporations or intellectual property? Do you understand tax breaks or how to avoid running into federal employment laws? You may have a passion project on the tip of your tongue that you’d like to develop into a business, but the logistics are going to take some time and the legal logistics especially are important.
