Because you are trying to bring your new business to the attention of as many potential customers as possible there is every benefit to be had from using as much help as you are able, whether it be from a business mentor, a financial adviser or an SEO (Search Engine Optimization) expert. But in the latter case, if funds are tight and need to be prioritized elsewhere, there are certain things you can do yourself without having to take on the services of a specialist:
#1: Choose Some Effective Keywords
Your website is full of words and potentially every one of them is a keyword, but the ones you want to concentrate on are those which are commonly searched for but are for whatever reason not widely used by your competitors. An SEO expert will charge you a pretty packet to identify the keywords that are most likely to generate visits to your site by using a special tool that he has at his disposal. It’s called the Keyword Planner and is available free of charge from Google if you sign up (for free) with their AdWords service.
#2: Optimize Your Website
Write the text for your website and include the keywords in it, not randomly or haphazardly but in a way that is contextual with the surrounding content. Create a hyperlink from the exact keywords and link them to somewhere else, maybe even another page on the same site. Try to use a good few keywords on each page whilst taking care not to distort the appearance or flow of the text – another good trick for raising awareness of your content without any impact upon your budget. Take a peak at how the experts do it by visiting Rex Originals or another recognized SEO site.
#3: Locate Opportunities for Inbound Links
There are plenty of free tools on the internet which you can use to test the Google page rank of another website, but with some you don’t need to. A national newspaper or a site such as CNN or Fox News will inevitably have high page rank and linking from the interactive forum pages of sites such as these – if you are allowed – will create some reflected authority. Be advised though that opportunities of this kind are scarce as most of these sites use a “no follow” instruction to prevent Google from acknowledging your link – but they still have some merit.
#4: Concentrate on Good Quality and the Recognition Will Come Naturally
The single most effective strategy for gradually building search engine recognition is to always use good quality, well written content that is changed and updated frequently. With Google forever confirming its bias towards “natural” and “organic” content it is madness to spend time trying to devise underhand strategies through which to trick the search engines, which almost invariably end in tears. In time Google’s spiders pick up high quality material and reward it, because it quite reasonably deems it likely to be of interest to potential readers.