Personal Finance
Financial literacy should be as important as learning arithmetic or literacy skills in school, because after all, this skillset will define the quality and sometimes even quantity of our living capabilities. That’s not to say that everything important in life is tied to money – not…...
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What Is Your Financial Personality Type?
There are lots of different approaches to managing money. Each has its advantages and pitfalls. Below are five of the main ‘financial personality types’ and their pros and cons. Which financial personality type do you match?...
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How to Prep for Your Taxes
Let’s face it, millions of people leave their taxes until the last minute. Sure, submitting them on time is vital – but there is so much more to getting the most from your taxes. Aside from paying the government, you can get many benefits from your…...
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Managing Money Matters
If you’re of a certain age, you’ll remember the saying “safe as houses”. It was used to infer that an investment or decision about something really important was fool-proof and could be trusted beyond measure....
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Situations Whereby a Legal Voice of Experience Is a Must
Legal services are often sought after when a person wants to plan for the future. It’s an excellent idea to get ready for what may come. We all too often forget to plan ahead and tomorrow creeps up on us sooner than we’d imagined, leaving us…...
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Smart Money Moves You Must Make
Money is a powerful motivator. It can make you do things that you might not otherwise have done, and it can also lead to some terrible decisions when it comes to your finances....
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How to Stay Smart With Your Money in 2021
Money management is a challenging chore for even the most level-headed people, yet with rising costs and scams that can fool us into spending all of our hard-earned money, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to keep track of our expenditures. Money, as much as we don’t like…...
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4 Tips to Help You Properly Manage Your Money
Personal finance and money management are tricky topics that can be complicated and overwhelming at times. There’s no simple formula or playbook for ensuring you have a secure and prosperous financial future....
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4 Legit Ways You Can Make Extra Cash Each Month
While the US economy has been steadily on the rise for the past few years, so has consumer debt. By the end of 2018, it had reached over 13 trillion dollars. This means you’re likely getting more and more tight on cash every month. ...
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5 Conversation Hacks to Talking About Money This Christmas
Out of all the conversations you could have over turkey and mashed potatoes, you know that money isn’t what polite company would consider a good topic for the holidays. Unfortunately, it can be a challenge keeping your lips sealed. Christmas is naturally expensive, regardless of your…...
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