Hardly anyone puts money away for ten years consistently, let alone twenty. That’s because life just gets in the way and it’s almost impossible to make ends meet. Salaries are low and people find it difficult to find surplus savings at the end of the month…...
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Is Forex A Good Investment?
Forex trading is one of those investment options that you hear a lot about, but don’t always understand. In simple terms, it relates to trading on foreign currency pairs. You need to sell one currency to buy another, trying to generate a profit. That’s the basic…...
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How Do You Know if a Property Is a Smart Investment?
Are you thinking about investing in a new property? If so, then you need to make sure that this is going to be a smart investment choice. Here are some of the factors that you should keep in mind when you are making this decision. Loan…...
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The Golden Rules of Investing in a Construction Development
Investing in a construction development means you are basically paying people to construct something for you. Commonly, this will look something like this: You have land that you’ve either bought or inherited You want to build houses on this land You allow construction companies to bid…...
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What Business Sectors Are the Best to Invest In?
Evidently, you can invest your money in all sorts of things. However, there may be a time where you think about investing in a startup business. Typically, there are a couple of ways you can do this. One way is to invest a large sum of…...
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Investing in a Liquidated Company
What happens to a company’s shares when it has been liquidated? This is a question that many investors are interested in. When a company goes into liquidation, its assets are sold off to repay its creditors. This can be an excellent opportunity for investors looking to…...
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3 Tips to Help You Make Safer Investments
If you’ve got money to invest, it’s hard to come down to a singular choice that best fits your needs. A lot of the time, people don’t want to play with their money or put a lot of it into something they don’t know whether or…...
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Bad Investments: How to Avoid Them
No-one invests with the intention of losing money, but sometimes it happens. Nothing is certain in life – there’s always a risk that disaster will strike at the wrong time and an investment will end up not paying off. Of course, you can still take measures…...
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5 Considerations When Choosing an Asset Management Company
Asset management companies work by managing the finances of businesses or individuals. These companies make investment choices on behalf of clients, the idea is to boost wealth and improve client portfolios. Asset management companies work to create diverse portfolios, mitigating risk levels at the ...
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Is an Investment Management Account Right for You?
As a business owner, you will already know that you need to have your investments diversified. But are they protected? Investment management might seem like it is for the super-wealthy. After all, your assets are to make you money; the last thing you want to do…...
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